iap+ and VIP Card

Buy using a gift card.

Buy with a student discount.

Want all of our software and service for low prices? Get the VIP card today and save up to 75% off of everything!* To save even more money you get free software and can opt for free shipping!

How does it work?

When buying a service look for the button that says “Buy with VIP card”. Click that and enter the information in the form. When getting software for free click the “Download with VIP card” button and fill out the form. We will send you a link or file for the software within 24 hours.

How to buy

Look at the chart above. Decide which package is best for you. Then click the buy now button right below the package picker. It will then take you to another page where you select you package and enter your credit card information.

I’ve bought it. Now what?

After you buy it just wait. We will process you order and as soon as Square (the company that we use to take credit cards) notifies us. After we are notified we will email you with the card number. Keep that email! The card number will be needed every time you buy something.

*Only on VIP+. Normal VIP package will offer 50% off everything.

Limit of two (2) downloads for each paid software.

No limit to amount of packages bought and free shipping received.

Special credit card processing required for discount. What we do is 100% safe.

Discount cannot be used to buy another VIP card.

VIP cards do not double.

Valid on all gift cards.

Free shipping to the U.S only.